
The 9Cat Saga game will incorporate NFT blockchain technology across the Ethereum and Polygon chains. The game itself will be made using the latest version of Unity and will utilise Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) for characters, items, resource generation facilities, and weapons within the game.

The exact chain to be used for in-game NFTs will depend on their purpose with most mid-to-low value NFTs being designated for release on Polygon to reduce the potential impact of transaction fees on the game experience. In-game NFTs will utilise the ERC1155 standard to provide a greater amount of flexibility and efficiency.

9Cat character NFTs utilise a standard ERC721 smart contract with an added ERC20 generation mechanism for the production of their utility token - 9Milk. These smart contracts are running on the Ethereum blockchain.

Planet NFTs are set to use the same ERC721 standard for their smart contracts as their 9Cat predecessors.

In addition to the in-game and Character NFTs mentioned above, there will also be Fungible ERC20 currencies that will tie into the 9Cat ecosystem. These are 9Meta, 9Photon and 9Milk, with each having their own utilities. 9Meta and 9Photon are set for initial release on the Polygon network, and 9Milk is tied to the 9Cat NFT on Ethereum as previously mentioned.

Ultimately the choice for which technology to use comes down to value, reliability and cost of use. We aim to provide a positive blockchain gaming experience for our players and will take note of any improvements we can make to ensure that goal is met.

You may find a list of links to the NFT and token smart contracts below:

9Cat Saga in-game Items

9Cat Smart Contract:

9Milk Smart Contract:

Last updated